Alambika 有機東非乳木果脂(未精製)Shea Nilotica (Organic unrefined)



Botanical name : Vitellaria nilotica

Quality: 100% pure base oil

Cultivation: wild, controlled organic

Plant part: nut

Origin: Uganda

INCI: Shea butter

東非乳木果脂特式 :

  • 正常室溫下呈軟膏狀,質感比西非乳木果脂軟滑,而西非乳木果於室溫下是質感較硬的固體狀
  • 熔點約 30℃ (西非乳木果熔點則約 40℃以上),擦上皮膚立即被體溫溶化,可以可直接塗抹使用

    豐富維他命E,而且含量比西非乳木果高出十倍以上,所以東非乳木果脂的質素、抗氧化力和穩定性更好,DIY 產品有助延長成品保存時間
  • 而東非乳木果滋潤度高,但較觸感清爽不油膩,沒有西非乳木果的油膩厚重觸感。可以快速滲透皮膚同時形成一層保護膜, 防止肌膚水份流失,很適合亞洲氣候使用,特別用於嬰幼兒護理、敏弱及濕疹肌膚保養
  1. 乳木果脂能為皮膚提供絕佳的滋潤,可在肌膚表層形成保護膜,提供最天然的保護。
  2. 保濕滋潤:獨特的脂溶性修護特性,含有豐富的維他命A、D、E、F,深層滋養潤膚,在肌膚表層形成保護膜。
  3. 消炎:含有萜烯醇、羽扇醇和樹脂醇類成分,為皮膚帶來消炎舒緩作用
  4. 防曬:乳木果脂中有一種天然防曬成份「肉桂酸」,可以吸收陽光中的 UVB 紫外線,防止曬傷
  5. 抗皺:有助皮膚的天然膠原蛋白合成,長期使用可以撫平細紋、增加肌膚彈性

東非乳木果脂使用方法 :

直接塗於皮膚上,DIY 護膚品及手工皂


Shea butter is obtained from the fruits of the shea tree. The shea tree, which grows mainly in the Sudan zone in Africa, e.g. Uganda, is also called the butter tree. Shea butter has been used by indigenous people for centuries to protect themselves from wind and weather. Shea butter contains, among other things, vitamin E, beta carotene, omega 3 fatty acids, allantoin, oleic acid and other valuable components.


Shea butter is a true skin care miracle. It has a soothing effect on skin problems and cares for particularly sensitive skin. It provides moisture and suppleness to dry skin and firms mature skin. It forms a layer that protects against wind and weather - mild care for all age groups, especially for children and babies, whether in body, facial or intimate care. It is also used in hair care to combat dry hair, split ends and dandruff. Skin care: Put some shea butter (depending on the part of the body) on your hands and massage the butter gently onto your skin. Hair care: Rub the shea butter a little in your hands, then massage the oil gently into the scalp and then into the hair


Keep away from heat and sunlight. Store cool.

Item number: 6672

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