Kobashi Bergamot Cold Pressed Organic Essential Oil


LATIN NAME: Citrus bergamia.
SOURCE: cold expressed form fruit peel.
COLOUR: dark cloudy olive brown green.
ORIGIN: Ivory coast and Calabria Italy
AROMA: Sweet, citrus lemony mandarin like - with a fresh green note.

QUALITIES: Relaxing, refreshing, excellent for skin care - especially oily or blemished skin.

Use at <2% in a carrier oil such as Rosehip seed oil: 1 drop in 5ml of carrier oil.

Do not use in the sun or under ultraviolet light as this oil is photo sensitive - absorbs sunlight. People with lighter skin may be 4x more likely to have a problem with skin redness if this oil is used on the skin while in sunlight.

Not a problem when used in shampoo or soap as most is washed away

Add 1 drop to in warm well shaken water, then immediately as a mouthwash and breath freshener.

Better yet mix with Kobashi Soap. Dip tooth brush in Kobashi Soap, drop 1 drop of Bergamot oil and/or 1 drop of peppermint oil and wash your mouth out. Sometimes I squirt some Aloe vera gel on the tooth brush first. It's probably good to alternate with your favourite toothpaste as it's better to always diversify for balance.

An ingredient in Earl Grey tea and in cologne. Named after an Italian city, Bergamo.

Our cold pressed (CP) Bergamot is not bergapten free.

True cold pressed Bergamot oil can contain wax sediment and a dark green brown cloudy colour.: This is the normal colour for cold pressed genuine Bergamot oil, even when fresh pressed. It has not oxidized, in fact Bergamot has a good shelve life unlike orange and grapefruit.

If you want it clearer then You may be thinking of Bergamot distilled.

You can't use cold pressed Citrus Oils on the skin, in the sun or ultraviolet rays, due to furanocoumarins ( bergapten, Psoralen ). There are many other oils that can be used in sunlight. Interestingly there is contradictory evidence: The people of Calabria Italy's Bergamot workers where most of the Bergamot is produce, pick and process Bergamot in the sun and seem to be very healthy. In fact, one of Kobashi suppliers said, he does not know of any cases where the workers had any health problems.

It seems as though Nature in the whole has balancing mechanism that are not there when you isolate one chemical.

Cell signalling pathways in the mechanisms of neuroprotection afforded by bergamot essential oil against NMDA-induced cell death in vitro.

Neuroprotective effects

Bergamot information


From the Rutaceae family, (citrus) a small tree growing to about four and a half metres high with smooth green oval leaves, beautiful fragrant white flowers, and small green fruit ripening to yellow. Native to tropical Asia, and cultivated in Southern Italy, and the Ivory coast.

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