Alambika Chamomile Roman Organic Floral Water



學名 : Anthemis nobilis
原料產地 : 法國
栽種方式 : 有機



羅馬洋甘菊花水的氣味柔和清甜,是一款多功能的花水,有助舒緩壓力、憂鬱、失眠和暴燥易怒等。不妨睡前用作浸浴用,幫助身體放鬆、減壓及助眠。 與香蜂草純露調和使用,更可幫安撫神經緊張。



與橙花花水混合使用對粉刺及油性皮膚有幫助,與金縷梅混合使用有助改善成熟肌膚。 非常適合作為卸妝液、潔面液和化妝水的材料。



100ml in glass with spraytop, 200ml, 500ml, 1000ml in PET bottle

Botanical name: Anthemis nobilis

Quality: 100% pure hydrosol

Cultivation: controlled organic

Without the addition of alcohol or preservatives

Plant part: flowers

Origin: France

Most important ingredients: (INCI) chamomile hydrolate (Roman)


The chamomile plant water is a real all-rounder. Like all plant waters, it can be applied undiluted to the skin and used as a toner. But the hydrosol is also suitable as a hair tonic for scalp prone to dandruff.

Body spray or tonic: Simply spray the desired body parts or gently put the hydrolate on a cotton pad and dab it on the desired skin areas.

Tip: You can also spray hydrolates on your laundry after washing to give it a light, pleasant scent.

About the plant

Chamomile was already cultivated as a medicinal plant by the Romans, hence the Roman name chamomile. In contrast to the blue chamomile, the plant consists of bushy flowers without the yellow center and a hairy stem. The apple-fruity and sweet scent of the corn blossom plant is unmistakable. Roman chamomile has a high ester content. These ingredients are known to have a particularly strong relaxing effect on the psyche and strengthening of the central nervous system. Roman chamomile has a harmonizing effect and gives serenity and is therefore also used, for example, for sleep problems. In naturopathy, ester-containing oils are often used in skin care mixtures.

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