Alambika Cistus (Labdanum) Wild Organic Flora Water


100% 無添加純露
植物學名 : Cistus ladaniferus
種植方式 : 野生有機
蒸餾部份 : 葉/枝
植物原產地 : 葡萄牙



抗皺 No.1 純露,卻因出色的功效而深得部分用家喜愛。氣味較奇特有點話梅味……像榴蓮一樣,喜歡它的人很喜歡,不喜歡的人就是很不喜歡非常極端。





5270 100ml with spraytop, 200ml PET bottle

Botanical name: Cistus ladaniferus

Quality: 100% pure hydrosol from distillation

Cultivation: wild controlled organic cultivation

Without the addition of alcohol or preservatives

    Suitability as: flavor extract in food

    Plant part: leaves / stems

    Origin: Portugal

    Main ingredients: cistrose hydrolate


    "Cistrose water (cistus hydrolate) can have a balancing effect on irritated skin. This makes the water an ideal helper after shaving or removing make-up. In addition, the plant water is often used to process traumatic experiences, overcome emotional injuries and restore inner balance Harmonizing body spray: Apply a few sprays of hydrolate to face and body. Tonic: Use the hydrolate as a facial toner for irritated skin. Ideal after removing make-up or shaving, to soothe the skin again.

    About the plant

    The rockrose comes from the Mediterranean region and belongs to the so-called cistus family. It thrives in nutrient-poor soils and enchants with delicate, rose-like flowers. In summer the plant secretes a gummy resin, which the Greeks used for wound healing and as a beauty product. Either the resin (labdanum) or the leaves are distilled. The main constituent of rockrose are monoterpenes. They are known for their skin-regenerating effect.


    Cistus ladaniferus Leaf / Stem Water

    More information

    Protect from heat and sunlight. This hydrosol is natural. Any flaking does not affect the quality. To ensure optimal shelf life, please store the product at approx. 10 ° C.

    Allergens: Limonene, Linalool

    Item number: 5270

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