Josh Rosebrook Active Enzyme Exfoliator Mask
Made in the USA
Josh Rosebrook 水果活性酵素磨砂清潔面膜
- 強效水果酵素、蜂蜜、草本酵素及酶酸:能溫和地死皮細胞剝落,清潔及更生肌膚,同時不會刺激或令皮膚變乾,並有助刺激膠原蛋白合成。
- 精細研磨的圓形核桃殼:有效去除老廢除角質,去除粉刺黑頭,令肌膚更平滑
- 草本精油:內有檸檬、絲柏、甜茴香、佛手柑及青檸精油,能有效清除各種暗瘡及石頭瘡
- 印度苦楝油:苦楝油中的抗炎化合物印楝素,有助清除皮膚上的細菌,對紅腫問題也有強效舒緩作用,
- 月見草油:內有大量的必須脂肪酸以及GLA:γ-亞麻油酸,有抗炎作用時能令皮膚更光滑更有活力。
- 洋甘菊及金盞花:強大的抗炎功效,有助紓緩暗瘡紅腫發炎及幫助傷口癒合
- 營養豐富的植物油:可以補充水分,抗氧化同時修復滋養皮膚,更助解決皮膚問題
- 蜂蜜:含有醣類、胺基酸、維生素B、C、D、E,以及礦物質等,有保濕鎖水與殺菌消炎作用。
- 先用面膜中的磨砂粒子輕輕在面上打圈按摩。
- 然後讓面膜停留在面上10分鐘至1小時(建議最小半小時),讓水果酵素發掉去角質作用
- 最後以溫水清洗乾淨。
- 之後以噴 Josh Rosebrook 特強深層保濕噴霧或以花水調理皮膚, 然後塗上精華、面霜等後續護膚品。
Our professional resurfacing treatment works to clear, soften, and renew skin. Potent fruit, honey, and herbal enzymes and acids gently slough away dead skin cells while finely ground, round walnut shells mechanically reveal new skin and help stimulate collagen production. This dual-action exfoliant delivers results that are visibly better than either method alone. Nutrient-dense plant oils and raw honey combine to restore moisture and help clear skin issues, while rich herbal antioxidant and anti-inflammatory synergies assist to calm, regenerate, and help reset the skins natural healing ability and support healthy skin function.
For all skin types - oily, combination, normal, and dry. Suitable for dehydrated, sensitive, acne, rosacea, and eczema conditions. We recommend omitting mechanical exfoliation for listed inflammation conditions while using only the enzymatic exfoliation action of the product.
*Honey, *Vegetable Glycerin, *Avocado Oil, *Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, *Neem, *Echinacea, *Eyebright, *Fennel, *Yucca, *Sage, *Stevia, *Jojoba Oil, *Papaya Enzyme, Walnut shells, *Gum Arabic, *Guar Gum, *Sunflower Oil, *Evening Primrose Oil, *Turmeric, *Chamomile, *Calendula, *Elderberry, *Hawthorn Berry, *Alfalfa, *Ashwagandha, *Goji Berry, *Beetroot, *Bilberry, *Black Cohosh, *Rosemary, *Dandelion, *Fo ti Root, *Rose Hips, *Licorice, *Chickweed, *Horse Chestnut, *St. John’s Wort, *Coriander, *Burdock, *Thyme, *Lavender, *Olive leaf, *Raspberry leaf, *Red Clover, §Xanthan Gum, Water, *Soy Lecithin, †Lemon Essential Oil, †Cypress Essential Oil, †Fennel Essential Oil, †Bergamot Essential Oil, †Lime Essential Oil, Potassium Sorbate.
No Animal Testing
Made in the USA
Use 2-3 times per week. Apply a generous amount using gentle circular motions. Leave on as a mask for 10 minutes to 1 hour, at least 40 minutes is recommended. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
For best results, mist our Hydrating Accelerator prior to applying the Active Enzyme Exfoliator. This will help to reduce skin surface tension, enhance nutrient delivery, and allow a swift application of the product onto the face.