Alambika Neroli Organic Essential Oil
100% 無添加精油
植物學名 : Citrus aurantium var.amara
種植方式 : 有機種種
蒸餾部份 : 花
植物原產地 : 突尼斯
橙花,Neroli 的名字源自於14世紀意大利Nerola奈洛麗公主。她非常喜歡橙花的香氣,也是第一位使用橙花精油來薰香、泡澡、保養肌膚的人。她用橙花精油薰香她的手套,芬芳的香氣令她在宴會、交際場合中成為焦點,更在當時的貴族間掀起一股橙花風潮!因此橙花被稱為公主之花。
高貴的橙花精油香氣令人一聞難忘。以蒸餾法萃取自苦橙樹花朵的橙花精油,帶有清新優雅的濃郁花香,有助舒緩情緒緊繃,令人容易進入睡眠狀態,有效改善睡眠質素; 因其香味令人難忘,亦是香水師愛用的配方,可達至催情效果。
Botanical name: Citrus aurantium var.amara
Quality: 100% natural essential oil
Cultivation: controlled organic
Suitability as: food
Fragrance note: heart
Part of the plant: flowers
Origin: Tunisia
Main chemotypes : (INCI) Linalool, Limonene, beta-Pinene, trans-beta-Ocimene, Linalyl acetate
Neroli can be soothing, mood-lifting, and calming, as well as being a savior in stressful situations. It can strengthen and stabilize the mind, and stimulate mental exhaustion and nervousness. Emotional helper: Add 2 drops of neroli oil to 10ml diffuser jojoba oil and rub it on your pulse if necessary.
About the plant
The orange belongs to the diamond family and can grow up to 10 meters high. The orange tree was discovered by the Crusaders in India and brought to the Mediterranean region. The plant is also known as Seville Orange because the Moors cultivated the tree in Seville. The leaves of the orange tree are used for the essential oil petitgrain bigarade, while the flowers are processed into the essential oil and hydrolate neroli.
Item number: 2261
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Keep away from heat and sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.