Alambika Geranium Bourbon Organic Floral Water
100% 無添加純露
植物學名 : Pelargonium asperum
種植方式 : 有機
薰餾部份 : 葉片
植物原產地 : 法國
天竺葵純露是最受歡迎的皮膚保養純露之一, 不論男女,一年四季都適用。對油性、混合性、粉刺以及敏感膚質也有平衡調養效果。 無論單獨或與其他純露使用,都很適合作全身美容保養。 能將水份帶到皮膚達至保濕作用,並有收斂效果,是少有保濕同時又可以平衡油水分泌的純露。
每天濕敷, 可令手肘與膝蓋上乾糙皮膚變得平滑。
天竺葵是令心情變好的純露,可配搭金縷梅調成收斂型鬍後水,適合與佛手柑, 快樂鼠尾草,葡萄柚,大花茉莉,杜松果,薰衣草,橙花和迷迭香純露配合。
Product code: 5201, 100ml glass bottle with spraytop, 200ml, 1000ml PET
Botanical name: Pelargonium asperum
Quality: 100% pure hydrosol
Cultivation: controlled organic
Product information: Without addition of alcohol or preservatives
Plant part: leaves
Origin: France
Most important ingredients: (INCI) geranium hydrolate
Geranium hydrolate is wonderfully suitable for skin care. The hydrosol can have a balancing and soothing effect on oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin. The plant water locks in the moisture in the skin. It is also a fragrant natural perfume and body spray that can straighten and balance body and mind.
Refreshing, balancing toner : Apply a few sprays of Hydrolat directly to the skin of the face or dab it on with a cotton pad.
About the plant
Geranium is a perennial, hairy shrub that reaches a height of about 1 meter. The leaves are pointed and serrated on the edges, while the flowers are small and pink in color. The whole plant has an aromatic smell. The main chemical ingredients are citronellol, geraniol, citronellyl formate, geranyl formate, which are known to act on the endocrine system.