Alambika Yarrow Organic Flora Water
學名 : Achillea Millefolium
原料產地 : 法國
栽種方式 : 歐盟認證,有機種植
Product code: 5230
250ml in PET with spraytop, 500ml in PET bottle
Botanical name : Achillea millefolium
Quality : 100% pure hydrosol
Cultivation : controlled organic
Product information : Without addition of alcohol or preservatives
Plant part : flowers / plant
Origin : France
Most important ingredients : (INCI) yarrow hydrolate
The plant water yarrow is an ideal facial toner for people whose skin is badly out of balance. Lydia Bosson writes in her book Hydrolatherapie: The yarrow helps to better understand one's surroundings, to recognize polarities, promotes communication with people with whom it is difficult to deal with.
Sharpsharrow helps to adapt to new situations and to better accept changes and transition phases. It has an all-round balancing effect on our body and mind. Tip: Spray your skin with the water every day and see how your complexion changes. As auraspray: just give a few sprays over your body.
About the plant
The yarrow is a perennial herb that is popular all over Europe and is used in naturopathy. The Latin name Achillea Millefolium goes back to the Trojan hero Achilles who already used the plant to stop his soldiers from bleeding from wounds. That is why it is sometimes called soldier's herb in the vernacular. In Germany it is also called bellyache herb or gynecological herb, which indicates its beneficial or beneficial effects. Women use it especially in times of crisis or for harmonization. The main ingredients are alpha-pinene, borneol acetate, borneol, beta-pinene, camphene, cineol, camphor, charmazulene, gamma-terpinene, isoartemisia ketone, limonene, sabinene and tricyclic. This extensive list of components already indicates that their properties must encompass a wide range. Among other things, they are said to have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.