Kobashi Helichrysum Wild Essential Oil



Immortelle: also known as everlasting and curry plant.

LATIN NAME: Helichrysum, (H. italicum G. Don) (angustifolium DC)
SOURCE: Steam distilled from the flowering plant
COLOUR: clear pale yellow
ORIGIN: Wild grown in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Straight from the grower/distiller:

The land on which we grow our plants has not been used for agriculture for more than 30 years, only in last few years for helichrysum italicum to be rediscovered again. We got our seed material from Croatian coast Helichrysum, from growers from Croatia, since we live on the border in the same climate conditions.

The pesticides and herbicides are not used at all. Since the plantation is not large, the plants can be handled and cared by hoeing on regular basis. Artificial fertilizers are also not used. Since the land has not been used for a long time, it is rested, and Helichrysum is known for its love for poor rocky soil.

Also, we dont use machines for harvest. Our small plantations (as all in the region, as we know) is harvested manually, two times per year, in June/July, and October.

AROMA: Unique clean, fresh, spicy, floral, slightly smoky notes and penetrating

QUALITIES: uplifting, and soothing. Used as a muscle rub massage oil, especially useful for sports people, helps reduce swelling, bruising, aches and pains. Excellent skin care oil and for those suffering from allergies. Also known as Immortelle, everlasting and curry plant.

Kobashi Helichrysum essential oil is a product of " wild plant" only from flowers (as much as possible) and from "wild" origin BALKAN (South DALMATIA)

It is a member of the Asteraceae family. A perennial growing up to half a metre high with aromatic silver gray leaves and bright yellow daisy like flowers, which dry easily.

March 25 2008, I, Scott Ballard smashed my right index finger between an axe handle and a thumb size branch stump and it hurt very badly on impact and left a centimeter circle of bloodied skin. I put a drop of Helichrysum italicum on it, three times since. Next day Finger is a little stiff, but much better, I can make a fist and touch it with little pain.

Percentage composition of present Kobashi essential oil ofHelichrysum italicum

 Ret.Time  Peak Area Height Name Area%
12.40 973994 255997 alpha pinene 12.22
12.92 12348 3505 Fenchene 0.16
12.96 6901 2119 Camphene 0.09
14.10 22585 5940 Beta-pinene 0.28
14.69 5977 1274 Beta-Myrcene 0.08
15.69 12365 3198 alpha-Terpinene 0.16
16.01 9908 2702 p-Cymene 0.12
16.17 156981 41643 Limonene 1.97
16.29 25225 6520 1.8 Cineole 0.32
17.10 11082 3101 Isobutyl angelate 0.14
17.36 28464 7534 Gama-terpinene 0.36
18.53 12679 3125 alpha-Terpinolene 0.16
18.96 70466 18092 Nonan-2-one 0.88
19.13 9967 2708 Methyl butyrate 0.13
20.52 5071 1195 Trans pinocarveol 0.06
21.00 46067 11401 Mt=170.Dione;2.4 dim 0.58
21.55 7994 1408 Borneol 0.10
21.95 20767 5155 Terpinen 4-ol 0.26
22.28 29674 5937 3.4 Octadion 0.37
22.45 25333 5946 alpha-terpineol 0.32
23.78 51706 13081 Nerol 0.65
23.94 8079 2063 3.5 Heptadione 0.10
24.81 5122 1168 Linalyl acetate 0.06
28.51 697433 177296 Neryl acetate 8.75
28.71 28775 6548 Alpha ylangene 0.36
29.02 222094 48104 Alpha Copaene 2.79
29.96 299046 68345 Italicenes 3.75
30.26 98735 24320 Bergamoten cis-Alpha 1.24
30.50 521599 122093 Beta Caryophyllene 6.55
30.91 88890 22504 Bergamotene trans-Alpha 1.12
31.05 249642 48466 Mt=210.italdione 3.13
31.39 96779 22725 Neryl propionate 1.21
31.51 23860 6088 Alpha-humulene 0.30
31.98 32927 7221 Gama Seline 0.41
32.34 1740917 334748 Gama curcumene 21.85
32.41 309613 104120 Ar curcumene 3.89
32.65 777607 132862 Beta-seline 9.76
32.91 407534 81861 Alpha-seline 5.12
33.28 122541 19780 Mt=224.dione 1.54
33.44 34621 7697 Gama cadinene 0.43
33.69 106633 20837 delta-Cadinene 1.34
35.35 41155 7106 Mt=238 dione 0.52
35.57 29957 4164 Caryophyllene oxide 0.38
35.95 12285 2323 Guaiol 0.15

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