Alambika 有機意大利血橙精油 Orange Red Organic Essential Oil


100% 無添加精油
植物學名: Citrus sinensis
種植方式: 有機
萃取部份: 果皮壓榨
植物原產地: 意大利

血橙和甜橙屬同一個家族,性質功效都很相似,都有讓人心情喜悅的香氣,但血橙的柑橘味更強烈醇厚,近似酒香。相對於甜橙,血橙似乎更是「加強版」,因此也 適合用在性感浪漫配方,如配合茉莉、依蘭等。


用於皮膚:抗菌、消炎、幫助排毒,改善暗瘡及油性皮膚。 柑橘類精油有健髮和刺激頭髮生長作用,其抗菌和平衡皮脂分泌作用有助改善過量頭油,減少因皮脂分泌過多產生的頭皮屑。



  • 100%高濃度純精油,請勿直接使用於皮膚
  • 低劑量使用在皮膚;具光敏,使用後避免接蠋陽光
  • 存放於遠離高溫和陽光,以及位置  兒童接觸不到的地方
  • 避免接觸眼睛及黏膜位置。對精油敏感的人士不適用。
  • 如要用作醫療用途或口服,請諮詢醫生意見

Botanical name: Citrus sinensis

Quality: 100% natural essential oil

Cultivation: controlled organic

Suitability as : food

Scent profile: head

Plant part : Peels

Origin: Italy

Main chemotypes: (INCI) Limonene, Myrcene, alpha-Pinene, Linalool

Refreshing, cheering, detoxifying


Orange oil can have a mood-enhancing effect on the mind. Its scent gives off the feeling of summer, joie de vivre and lightness. Orange oil gives serenity, humor and joy. It helps to switch off and to calm down, especially in the evening.

Raising, calming atmosphere: Put 1 drop in your diffuser.

About the plant

Orange trees are evergreen and grow up to 10 meters tall. The fruit of the orange tree, the orange, belongs to the citrus fruits and is said to have originated from a cross between tangerine and grapefruit. Its scent gives off the feeling of summer, joie de vivre and lightness. Blood oranges are a variety of oranges and have the name because of the deep red flesh or, in the case of some varieties, because of the skin. This coloration is caused by a certain plant pigment and occurs in dry areas with large daily temperature differences.A variety of blood orange, the Moro orange, grows on the slopes of the Etna volcano in Sicily, where night frosts can also occur.

Item number: 2325

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