Alambika 有機野生高地特級薰衣草 Lavender Highland Superior Wild Organic Essential Oil


可於門市自提 旺角彌敦道610號荷李活商業中心18樓1818室

通常會在 24 小時內準備就緒


Botanical name: Lavandula angustifolia

Quality: 100% natural essential oil

Cultivation: wild growth, controlled organic

Suitability as: food

Fragrance profile: Fragrance note : heart

Plant part: flowers / plant

Origin: France

Product reference: main

Chemotypes: (INCI) Linalyl acetate, Linalool, Ocimene, Terpinene-4-ol, Lavandulol, 1,8-Cineol, Lavandulyl acetate

Item number: 1930



由一位法國化學家無意中發現,薰衣草的價值得發掦光大。 助眠精油的其中一個代表,具鎮靜皮膚,紓緩蚊叮,温和安全,亦可作為精油催化劑,混合他精油達至協同效果。 生長在800公尺以上的高地薰衣草品質最理想,產地一般在法國,西班牙,意大利,英國等等。 



The essential lavender oil has a balancing and relaxing effect, for peaceful, restful sleep. It makes us feel rested, even after a restless night, when it is applied right after getting up. It is advisable to put 2-3 drops of the lavender oil on the pillow.

About the plant

The lavender plant belongs to the mint family and is used as a medicinal plant in naturopathy because of its valuable aromatic substances. The shrub-like plant is highly valued by aromatherapists and alternative practitioners. Lavender is mainly used to calm down sleep problems, relieve stress and blemishes. The scent profile of lavender is described as flowery-spicy, clear, herbaceous, fresh and airy ?? the scent note is sweet. The main components of lavender include linalyl acetate, camphor, cineole and linalool. These chemical components are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The highest concentration of active ingredients can be found in a high-quality, naturally pure essential oil.

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Wong Dora

Alambika 有機野生高地特級薰衣草 Lavender Highland Superior Wild Organic Essential Oil

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