Alambika 野生花梨木精油 Wild Rosewood Essential Oil

$385 $428

可於門市自提 旺角彌敦道610號荷李活商業中心18樓1818室

通常會在 24 小時內準備就緒

100% 無添加精油
植物學名 : Aniba rosaeodora
種植方式 : 野生
蒸餾部份 : 木
植物原產地 : 秘魯

  • Botanical name: Aniba rosaeodora
  • Plant family: Lauraceae
  • Production: Distilled
  • Cultivation: Wild-crafted
  • Country of origin: Peru
  • Part of plant: Wood
  • Fragrance family: Sweet, Woody
  • Special precautions: Non toxic, non irritant, possible sensitisation in some individuals.
  • Major compounds: Linalool, alpha-Terpineol, Geraniol, 1,8-Cineol, Linalool oxide, Limonene, Benzyl benzoate
  • Item no: 2580

Rosewood (CITES compliant) Aniba rosaeodora (2580 – 5ml)

Our Rosewood comes from sustainable sources. Rosewood is an endangered species and the oil cannot be sold without a special certificate from the Brazilian Government to confirm that it comes from sustainable sources. This is called a CITES certificate, and our Rosewood carries this certificate.

Rosewood is the number one oil for general calming and tension reduction. It has a soft, woody, rose-like scent that balances and enhances most essential oil blends. It is useful for colds, flu, and coughs, and is gentle enough for children and the elderly.

This versatile essential oil is antibacterial, and antifungal. Its gentle, regenerative action benefits all skin types, and is useful for scars and wrinkles. Rosewood helps relieve jetlag, and has uplifting, strengthening qualities. It supports and promotes courage during stressful times.

This is a pure therapeutic-quality aromatherapy essential oil produced using wild-crafted plants and traditional methods from Peru, and is obtained from the wood of the tree.

Please note: This product is CITES approved, which indicates that it is from a species which is generally considered to be endangered, but which in this case has been specially registered as having being produced sustainably.

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