Alteya Organics 有機羅馬洋甘菊花茶 Organic Chamomile Roman Herb Tea



  • 甜中帶酸,帶有蘋果香氣
  • 有舒緩情緒、抗焦燥作用
  • 鎮靜舒壓,改善淺眠及失眠情況
  • 有助舒緩腸胃不適、改善感冒症狀
  • 對敏感、濕疹及乾性肌膚有幫助
  • 可於浸浴時可加入數匙泡澡用
  • 性溫不燥熱,小孩及長者也可飲用
  • 沖泡後可待水溫降低時加入少許蜜糖,風味更佳
  • 100% organically grown
  • Naturally caffeine-free
  • Food grade
  • 1.76 oz/50g

The delicate flowers of the chamomile captivate with their beauty, the appealing aroma and their miraculous healing properties.

Chamomile fragrant tea relaxes body and mind and relieves stress. A glass of it helps both morning refreshment and evening relaxation of the muscles and a better sleep. Chamomile is an ideal cleanser for facial skin – making it relaxed, soft and elastic.


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