Alteya Organics 有機薰衣草花茶 Organic Lavender Herb Tea
Size: 80g產地: 保加利亞
等級: 有機食品級
- 減壓、淨化心緒,舒解壓力
- 有助鬆弛神經,幫助入眠
- 舒緩頭暈、頭痛、偏頭痛
- 改善初起感冒病徵、流鼻水及口乾舌燥不適
- 可製成乾花包,有薰香和驅蟲功效
- 適合加入點心零食,或浸浴時可加入數匙泡澡用
- 太濃會變苦,可根據個人口味添加少許蜂蜜或配搭其他花草沖泡
This tea is naturally sweet and delicate with
wonderfully tranquilizing aroma. Its fragrance is
known to relax and soothe mind and body and it
may promote restful sleep.
100% Natural, 100% Organic
2.82 fl oz/80g
Our fragrant and organic loose herbal teas are harvested from the slopes of the eco-regions of the
Balkan mountain range or the famous Valley of Roses in Bulgaria.
- Naturally caffeine-free
- Blend well with each other
- Packed with antioxidants and vitamins
- Delicious hot as well as iced