Kobashi 藍膠尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
LATIN NAME: Eucalyptus globulus.
SOURCE Steam distilled from the leaves and twigs.
AROMA: Clean, sweet, penetrating
Eucalyptus oil will not go off and does not need a Best before.
The once open symbol is 36M and this is overrides the BB.
QUALITIES: A well known winter oil traditionally used for its penetrating clearing aroma. It is a strong antiseptic. Burn it to reduce airborne germs or add to massage oil for a clearing chest rub. Ideal for sports people. Blends well with Lavender, the herb oils and Pine.
A member of the Myrtaceae family, it is a large evergreen tree up to 90 meters high. It has blue green elliptical leaves, creamy white flowers and a smooth gray bark often peeling. It is native to Tasmania and Australia.
LATIN NAME: Eucalyptus globulus.
SOURCE Steam distilled from the leaves and twigs.
AROMA: Clean, sweet, penetrating
Eucalyptus oil will not go off and does not need a Best before.
The once open symbol is 36M and this is overrides the BB.
QUALITIES: A well known winter oil traditionally used for its penetrating clearing aroma. It is a strong antiseptic. Burn it to reduce airborne germs or add to massage oil for a clearing chest rub. Ideal for sports people. Blends well with Lavender, the herb oils and Pine.
A member of the Myrtaceae family, it is a large evergreen tree up to 90 meters high. It has blue green elliptical leaves, creamy white flowers and a smooth gray bark often peeling. It is native to Tasmania and Australia.